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Liver damage, ocular disease

Release date:2016-10-18 09:13:56 From: Browsing times:

        The liver and eyes have close relations, the theory of viscera in traditional Chinese medicine that the liver opens into the eyes". Therefore, liver function is normal, eyes can see objects and distinguish objects in color and size, and the glittering eyes. Once the liver function damage, eye function will be affected and even cause disease, such as liver blood deficiency, eye raises, often blurred vision or blindness; liver Yin loss, often have two dry eyes, vision loss; liver heat, can have red eyes itch, windward tears the liver inflammation, can have; red eye pain, eye health Yifeng; two. Liver and gallbladder damp heat, yellow; hyperactivity of liver Yang, often dizzy eyes bulging; endogenous liver wind, have eyes squint or hanging etc.. Some eye diseases, Chinese medicine that is related to the liver, often from liver disease treatment.  
       Western medicine also indicates that the liver lesions, it will affect the function of the eye and even cause eye disease, not only provides the relevant explanation, but also to develop and establish a corresponding means of examination to clear the diagnosis. Such as hepatic cortical blindness, liver brain - eye syndrome is also called, mainly associated with hepatic encephalopathy, and the patients in blood by long-term high, causing damage to the nervous system, high blood ammonia can also cause brain cell metabolic disorders affect visual function. The main clinical manifestations in hepatic encephalopathy, is blurred vision and even blindness, no light perception. Treatment is mainly in the treatment of liver disease, as long as the hepatic encephalopathy is not improved, can be repeated attacks; if the hepatic encephalopathy improves, the disease will resume, generally without sequelae, better prognosis. Again, such as hepatic exophthalmos, there were approximately 12% liver cirrhosis patients with exophthalmos, and the liver function in patients with liver cirrhosis to severely damaged jaundice, ascites, ophthalmoplegia, eyelid edema, eyelid retraction or convex depression, slow eye movements related.
       Is the most common hepatic vitamin A deficiency caused by the eye, so how can eat pork liver Mingmu hair statement and clinical experience. In the body of any one of the components is reduced, due to the absorption and synthesis reduction, excretion and metabolism caused by the increase, that is, "into a little more than" the reason. Liver disease, vitamin A deficiency is no exception. The decrease in absorption is due to the decrease of the production and secretion of bile acid in liver disease, which leads to the decrease of the absorption of fat and fat soluble vitamins (vitamin A is one of the 4 fat soluble vitamins). In a protein transport in vivo vitamin A - retinol transport protein, in reducing liver cell transformation ability of the liver dysfunction, resulting in reduced amount of retinol into vitamin A. Liver disease caused by portal vein pressure increased, vitamin A reduced the enterohepatic circulation by the kidney, which is excreted in the urine increased. Alcohol and some drugs can cause the activity of cytochrome P450 dependent enzyme system to enhance and accelerate the metabolism of vitamin A, vitamin A deficiency in the liver storage.
       Vitamin A in the body after a series of biochemical reactions into retinal and rhodopsin, is closely related with the function of retinal cells feel weak light and dark. So the lack of vitamin A can affect the dark adaptation, even blindness, both their sense of visual impairment, early dark adaptation ability is abate, serious when can appear when night blindness; visual impairment is more obvious corneal drying. Physical examination: 1, external eye disease, the performance of common. 2, early corneal refractive interstitial lesions, dark hair, and then lose luster, with corneal opacity, epithelium softening, drying, thickening keratosis, degeneration, or perforation, adhesion can be formed so leukoplakia, secondary glaucoma and even blindness. 3, fundus lesions, visible papilla hyperemia and edema or atrophy of the optic nerve, optic neuritis, thinning of retinal artery, retinal hemorrhage and macular exudates radiating etc..
       Treatment of liver disease should be actively treated, while vitamin A should be added in order to take the initiative to prevent the occurrence of eye disease. If the corneal lesions in local secondary infection, should also use antibiotic eye drops or ointment and preparation Cod Liver Oil. As a result of corneal ulcer, and 1% drops of liquid or ointment, atropine mydriasis, eye bandage. Daily life should eat more foods rich in vitamin A and beta carotene, such as carrots, green vegetables, red dates, wolfberry fruit, etc..

