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Gallstone illness

Women should pay attention to reduce weight loss of gallstones

Date:2016-11-02 11:43:22 FROM: Browsing times:
        Women are born beauty, plus today's society "to thin for the United States," the mainstream aesthetic values, more and more women began to their own body in every possible way. No matter what age women will lose weight in the mouth, many women lose weight for fast and used the wrong method, resulting in the "reduction" on the body of gallstones.
        A misunderstanding: the long-term vegetarian. The long-term vegetarian so that the body of the plant protein utilization rate is low, the high rate of utilization of animal protein, fat food can stimulate the body to produce cholecystokinin, if the long-term do not eat meat or fish, the blood cholecystokinin level is low, not timely gallbladder contraction, resulting in the formation of long-term long-term bile siltation, the most direct consequence is caused by cholestasis stones. Especially in the summer easy to make a large number of loss of body water, bile concentration, induced by gallstones and other diseases.
        So, to promote light diet, not completely vegetarian, can consume moderate amounts of lean meat, fish, poultry and other foods. Whether it is stone or other disease prevention, the need for a balanced diet, once the imbalance will lead to disease, weight loss people pay more attention to increase the intake of protein.
Myth two: lose weight too fast. Gallstones generally occurs in the first two months of the implementation of weight loss, especially in the fast weight loss of 2-4 months, 25% of people have gallstones. Because short-term weight loss too fast, energy supply decreased sharply and deposition in the tissues of fat in accelerated consumption, the increase in the content of cholesterol overflow, in bile, bile and become sticky, easy to crystallize and precipitate. Therefore, the way to lose weight should pay attention to the way, smooth and slowly to reduce weight.
        Error three: do not eat breakfast. In the case of normal eating breakfast, the gallbladder contraction, cholesterol with bile discharge, the residual bile cholesterol in the gallbladder bile will be reduced, the stone is not easy to form. And if you do not eat breakfast, fasting time is too long, the gallbladder bile storage time is too long, leading to excessive cholesterol in the bile of cholesterol, it will lead to cholesterol deposition, and gradually form a stone.
        So, the beauty of women to lose weight the best through diet, fitness and meat collocation exercise, avoid into the trap of gallstones.

