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Cholecystitis ask

Cholecystitis eat what food is good for you to better control of cholecystitis

Date:2016-11-02 11:24:13 FROM: Browsing times:
        In recent years, with the change of people's eating habits, the incidence of cholecystitis is getting higher and higher, then why do people have cholecystitis it? How is cholecystitis caused? How to treat cholecystitis? Cholecystitis eat what food is good? Cholecystitis can not eat what? Today to tell you.
Cholecystitis is mainly caused by gallstones, so you want to cure the first treatment of cholecystitis gallstones. Let's take a look at the specific situation.
        How cholecystitis is caused by the 3 major causes of cholecystitis
        1, obstructive factors
Is due to mechanical obstruction of cystic duct or gallbladder neck of gallbladder, namely expansion, full of concentrated bile, the bile salt concentration is high with a strong proinflammatory effect, the formation of early chemical inflammation, after secondary bacterial infection, caused by gallbladder purulent infection, to cause in many large stones, stones are not easy to complete obstruction, mainly for mechanical stimulation, showing chronic inflammation. Sometimes the cystic duct is too long, the distortion, the adhesion compression and the fibrosis and so on also can not be ignored.
A few things may enter into the gallbladder bile duct roundworm, in addition to causing mechanical stimulation, bring the pathogens that cause infection. Can also be due to gallbladder, Oddi sphincter dysfunction, motor dysfunction, etc., can cause bile duct emptying disorders, bile retention, so that the gallbladder is affected by chemical stimulation and bacterial infection may be.
        2, infection factors
        The important reason for the formation of cholecystitis is because of infection.
Systemic infection or local lesions, lymphatic, hematogenous pathogen of biliary tract, intestines, or invasion of adjacent organs inflammation diffusion pathway, parasites and bacterial invasion into both is an important cause of cholecystitis. The main pathogenic bacteria were Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus and other typhoid bacillus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, sometimes with Clostridium perfringens, formation of pneumocholecystitis.
        3, chemical factors
        Bile retention in the gallbladder, where high concentrations of bile salts, or pancreatic juice reflux into the gallbladder, with the activity of trypsin, can stimulate gallbladder wall inflammation changes. In some severe dehydration, bile salt concentration, can cause acute cholecystitis.
How is it caused by cholecystitis? What is it good for?
        (1) choose fish, lean meat, milk, soy products contain high quality protein and cholesterol content is not too high relative food control, animal liver, kidney and brain food intake or roe etc..
Cholecystitis eat what food is good for you to better control of cholecystitis
        (2) to ensure that the fresh supply of vegetables and fruits, green leafy vegetables can provide the necessary vitamins and adequate cellulose, yogurt, hawthorn, brown rice and other food is also very beneficial to the patient.
        (3) to reduce the intake of animal fat, such as fat and animal fats, increase the amount of corn oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, soybean oil and other vegetable oil intake.
        (4) Jishi pepper, curry, etc. with a strong irritant food, avoid coffee, tea.
Cholecystitis can not eat anything
        1, fatty foods
        Episodes of biliary diseases often occur in the meal (especially oily food) after the evening or early morning, this is because the fat digestion requires a large amount of bile, and cholecystitis due to inflammation and bile of gallbladder stones in the gallbladder, rapid contraction will produce pain, such as the case of stone obstruction is more severe angina and, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Patients with chronic cholecystitis in eating fat, there will be pain, and indigestion, bloating, belching, such as anorexia greasy disease. Therefore, the patient's daily fat intake should be limited / system between 40 ~ 50 grams, should be fasting fat, fried eggs, lard, butter, butter, etc., the best edible vegetable oil.
        2, acid food
        Vinegar, red wine, hawthorn, lemon and other acidic foods can stimulate the stomach and duodenal secretion of the gallbladder, thereby causing the gallbladder contraction, induced biliary colic.
        3, over the cold food
        Hot food or soup, cold food, such as ice cream, iced drinks, Iced Coffee and just removed from the food in the refrigerator, after eating will lead to spasm of biliary sphincter, causing pain or cramps in gallbladder area. Therefore, patients with gallbladder disease should eat cold food.

